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North Korean-Cyber Attack

1_64_july4_cyberattack_graphThe July 4th holiday was a nice holiday, people going out and watching fireworks, enjoying themselves but on the 4th we had an attack as some call it, a “cyber attack”.  New information came out today, confirming it was North Korea who launched the cyber attack.  The picture, shows their plan.  The North Koreans attacked South Korean Government sites as well as United States Government sites.

These North Koreans did this intentionally.

They used Brute Force & DDoS on all the sites they hit.  Brute force is unstoppable, and these attacks cannot be prevented.  Read more about Brute Force on this Foxnews article.  You can also research in this Wikipedia article.  Brute Force is used when they mainly attack the website servers and eventually this crashes the whole site.

DDoS, or Denial of Service Attack, is pretty much the same thing as Brute Force.  DDoS either attacks servers or slows down the site a considerable amount.  Read more about the DDoS here.

So, they launched DDoS and Brute Force on most and maybe all of the major US and South Korean government sites.  There has been more attacks on the South Korean sites throughout the week.  This is nearly impossible to stop and is a perfect example why North Korea needs to be handled with great attention.

Picture and some information came from this Foxnews Article.

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